ඇඩොල්ෆ් හිට්ලර් සහ ඔහුගේ නාසි SS හමුදාව ලොව මවිත කල දක්ෂතම නිපැයුම් වලට හිමිකම් කිවූ බව සැලකේ. කාලය 1930 -1945 තුල ලොව මවිත කල සුපිරි අවි ඔවුන් විසින් නිපදවන ලදී.
Jet Power Fighter
V-1 (flying bomb)
The V-2 rocket
Haunebu-type Nazi flying saucer
( ජර්මන් අහසේ මැවිනි වස්තුවක් සැරිසැරූ බව නාසි හමුදා දක්වයි)
පසුකාලීනව සොයාගත් ව්යාපෘති විස්තරයන්ට අනුව , හිට්ලර්ගේ SS කණ්ඩායම් විසින් දියත් කරන ලද අති සුවිශේෂී ව්යාපෘතියක් ගැන තොරතුරු හෙලිවී තිබේ.ග්රීක දෙවියෙකුගේ නමින් කේත නාමය යොදා ඇති මෙය Project Chronos ලෙස හදුන්වයි.
Die Glocke ( The Bell )
නමින් නිපදවූ අවියක් , උපකරණයක් ගැන එහි සදහන් වේ. නාසීන් විසින් එක් ව්යාපෘතියකට බැර කල වැඩිම මුදල මේ සදහා යොමුකර ඇත. මෙහි මුල් පරීක්ශනයේදී එහි සිටි නිළදාරීන් කීප දෙනෙකු මිය ගිය බවද පැවසේ.
මෙහි සම්බන්ධවූ එක් නිළධාරියෙකුගේ සටහන් මගින් මේ පිලිබද විස්තර ලොවට නිරාවරණය වී ඇති අතර ඔහුට අනුව මෙය යම්කිසි සීනුවක් හැඩැති උපකරණයක් කාලය හරහා ගමන් කිරීමට උත්සාහ කිරීම අරමුණ වී ඇත. නමුත් මේ පිලිබද නිශ්චිත හෙලිදරව්වක් නොමැත.
මෙම ව්යාපෘතියට සම්බන්ධවූ සියලු SS නිළදාරීන් යුද්ධය අවසන් අවදියේදී මරාදමන ලදී.
A strange "henge" ( බෙල්හි පරීක්ෂණ මෙහි සිදුකල බවට පිලිගැනේ)
(1) The Bell was reportedly a metallic object, approximately 9 ft. in diameter and 12-15 ft. tall;
(2) It looked like a "Bell", hence its codename to the Germans, die Glocke;
(3) It was comprised of two counter-rotating cylinders, rotating a purplish liquid-metallic looking substance code-named "Xerum 525" by the Germans, at high speeds;
(4) "Xerum 525" was apparently highly radioactive, being purple in color, and housed in cylinders with lead lining 3 cm (12 in.) thick;
(5) The Bell apparently required high amounts of electrical power in its operation;
(6) During use, it could only be run for approximately one to two minutes, as it apparently gave off strong radiation and/or other electromagnetic or unknown field effects;
(a) Several scientist died on its first operation;
(b) Subsequent tests included various plants and animals, all of which decomposed into a blackish goo and without normal putrefaction, within a matter of a few minutes or hours after exposure to its field effects when in operation;
(c) Technicians near the Bell during these experiments reported metallic tastes in their mouths after being exposed to it;
(d) The chamber in which the Bell was tested was lined with ceramic bricks and rubber mats, and had to have its rubber matting removed and burned after each test, and it was subsequently washed down with brine by inmates from nearby concentration camps;
(7) All the scientists and witnesses who saw or worked on the Bell were murdered by the SS as the war neared its end;
8) The Bell was transplanted out of Silesia to a destination that has never been discovered. The Bell, along with General Kammler himself, simply disappear entirely from history, never to be seen again. It is believed, however, that both the Bell and General Kammler were transported by U-boat to a base outside of the Reich (Base 211 in Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica being the strongest choice). Others suggest Norway where German troops still held that territory with another Ju-390 supposedly kept in reserve as an evacuation aircraft.
(9) A strange "henge" like structure was constructed by the Germans out of reinforced concrete near the facility where the Bell was located and tested. This structure resembled a test rig for the possible test of extremely powerful propulsion devices.